chivick258 Pls How can i put java application like ur own with piz and download link
Dike Your folders cant show up on your xtgem site but you can show the files in a folder with a filelist code.
Copy this filelist code to the page you want your files to show up.
<xt:filelist sort_type="name" sort_dir="desc" folder="XXXX" template="<div style="border:1px solid red;">Name: .file_name_parsed.<br/>Size: .file_size.<br/><center><a href=".file_url.">DOWNLOAD</a></center></div>" per_page="10" />
Copy code
Note:Change the XXXX to the folder that contain your files.
chivick258 I have done that but the folder is not showing on my main website why? Pls help
Login to your xtgem account, click on "file browser" link. You will see no folders if you haven't created one.
Click on the "create folder" link.
Then you write "java games" as the name of the folder- (that is if you want to upload java games on that folder).
After creating the folder it will automatically open, then click on the "upload file" link.
You can upload from your phone or through url.