EMIR 1. When you open the page you want to add the css, click on
"Open in code editor".
2. A big box will appear, open it and you will see codes that you used in your site.
3. When you scroll down you will see the <head> tag and <meta http...."> tag
5. Put the css in the middle of those two tags.
chivick258 yea,plz help me..i really nid help..d css issue,i dnt seems to get it can u do it for me in dis format??1st step,goto....2nd step,click on ....3rd step,click on....i mean how to add dat css please
EMIR But do you know that the upload limit of xtgem is 2MB
chivick258 Download site like weezywap
EMIR If i may ask, do you want to make your site a download site or tutorials site.
Also delete that forum you put on the homepage.
If you want to put a forum in your site, go to the filebrowser and create
a new page with the name
After creating the page, you will be redirected to where you will build the page. Click on
Add Block => Social => Discussions/Forum
Then you customize the settings:
Guest Posting = No
Online Counter = Yes
Private Forum = No
EMIR Try removing that naruto pix. And when you are building your site, click on the "_header" and delete everything there.
chivick258 Thanks so much i appreciate your my tutor,what is the next thing i should add
I have also created a logo for you. Add the logo to the top of your site. Use this code to add the logo
<img src="" alt="9jabam_logo" />
Copy code