Chivick bro give me the direct filelist u dey use or make u xplain hw u code am 4 ur download page via private message am glad
Ploadedwap For the total downloads code, use this on your download page:
<b>Total Downloads:</b> <xt:widget id="xt.c.a.t." tool="Counter" />
Copy code
chivick258 Chivick guy nawa 4 u oooh y did u gave me xtgem widget counter code bt i ask 4 filelist wey carry downloads counter giv me nah
Ploadedwap Yes nah, we are using thesame filelist on our sites but the difference is the download counter and i just gave you the code i used for it.
chivick258 So d wey u dey use iz xtgem visitors counter ?