Help me plz just do me a favour,check my sit nd tell me wot to do,i design something like dis (click here for more 2go tips nd so on)im using a wapmasta nd i want it to open if i click on dat write up..check(#9jabam.xtgem.com]
EMIR I have checked your site.
Try to restart again. Just delete everything you have done there.
I will fully guide you on how to design it properly.
First of all, you need to add a css to your site page. You can click
here to learn how to add css to a page.
This is the css url i used for my site:
chivick258 please dnt be too far from me
EMIR The code for dat your bookmark jar.opera
EMIR You will need to create a jar bookmark for you site first, but dont worry i will help you create it. Just give me some time to do that.
I have created the jar bookmark for you. Just add this code to where you want the boomark to appear in your site
<div style="border:2px solid red;" align="center"><b>Bookmark This Site</b><br/><a href="http://chivickwap.xtgem.com/site/9jabam_bmk.jar">Jar</a> | <a href="o:Y">Opera</a></div>
Copy code
I have also created a logo for you. Add the logo to the top of your site. Use this code to add the logo
<img src="http://chivickwap.xtgem.com/site/9jabam.png" alt="9jabam_logo" />
Copy code
chivick258 Thanks so much i appreciate your efforts..be my tutor,what is the next thing i should add
EMIR Try removing that naruto pix. And when you are building your site, click on the "_header" and delete everything there.